

What If…?

I’m overwhelmed….really.
After my post the other day, I sat at my computer in disbelief as I read your responses.
I love hearing your thoughts and stories. If you emailed me or left a comment, please know that if I responded to them today, my sheets wouldn’t have gotten washed, the laundry wouldn’t be folded, and that pile of sand wouldn’t have gotten swept. And you know now that I had to get all those things done today only cause people are coming to my house tomorrow!! :)
So even though I can’t respond to each one, I read every single word. And I thought about them. And I appreciate them…more than you know. I feel honored that you would entrust me with your stories…stories of struggle, heartache, loneliness. It is a privilege to get a peek into your lives.
But you know what overwhelmed me the most after reading all your responses? How are heartbeats are very much the same. How very much alike we all are. It shouldn’t surprise me…but don’t we live as if we are the only ones who struggle?  but your vulnerability made me want to be even more real!
I have to write this post today as a follow-up to my last one, because your responses taught me a few things.
it first off showed me how much we need each other.  we are bombarded in this world, and sadly even in the “church”…that we need to put on a pretty face and make sure everyone sees just how put together we really are.
I am ashamed to admit that i’ve spent way too much time and energy trying to create an identity for myself, one where people are convinced that i’ve got my stuff together. It seems as if we might all be in the same boat. In the past, i’ve been terrified to show people the real me…
What a shame. You know why its a shame? Cause when I’m covering up, I’m convincing other people that they need to cover up too. And there is nothing about that that is making Jesus famous. Its really just an attempt to make me famous. And that is in direct disregard of the Gospel.
Quite possibly the thing I’m learning after your responses is that we just might all be exhausted of doing that.
We are seriously doing a disservice to each other when we are living to make everyone think we’ve got it all under control. I am sorry, so sorry, if i’ve done that, given that message. It couldn’t be farther from the truth.
But isn’t there something in each of us that wants that…to make everyone think we’ve got it all together? The problem with that…is that its a big fat lie. I don’t care who you are…the President of the U-S of A, Emily from the Bachelorette (I’m a big fan of her’s, btw), Beth Moore, the Pioneer Woman…not a single one has it all together. Not one.
Blogs, Facebook, Instagram…they all do that. They make us think we are the only ones with dirty houses, dirty children, and dirty hearts. there is one blog in particular that I cannot read. It ruins my heart, and makes me strive for things that I cannot possibly ever do. i know for sure that its not the author’s intention, and that it has WAY more to do with the state of my own heart.  But she is just so pulled together, so in love with Jesus, everyday, all the time. And I’m not. And it makes me feel like Crud. With a capital C.
there is not an ounce in me that wants you to come here and feel that way. Not an ounce. Which is why my last post was SO necessary for me to write. I had to get it off my chest! Cause I do want to show you fun things…recipes, sewing projects, house stuff, photos of my kids, but I want you to see all those things all the while knowing that the one showing them to you is jacked up…big time!
You know how I mentioned that there is a story going on right now, that is not mine to tell, but that has devastated me? Even though I can’t tell you the details, I can tell you what its done to my heart. Its convinced me that living in secret isolation is not only not what we were created for, its absolutely the kiss of death. I am afraid that when we live as if we’ve got it all together, we are isolating ourselves and pushing away those who need to see that we are, in fact, big time screw ups. Its shown me that this world needs us to be real with each other. We need to know that we all struggle. We need to know that we all are desperate, no more and no less than anyone else. we need each other’s vulnerability. When we show the world the real us, maybe it could prevent a lot of loneliness, a lot of heartache, a lot of striving and maybe it could be the vehicle that God uses to redeem our stories.
What if we lived in a world, or a church, where everyone just let their guard down? Then maybe we wouldn’t feel so lonely.
as I read back over my last post, i realized that I left out a very important thing. Its one thing to be vulnerable, but its another thing to tell you why I feel the freedom with you to expose the real me.
I felt free to write that post the other day for one reason, and one reason only, because:
“God made him, who had no sin, to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of Christ.”
My favorite verse…ever.  2 Corinthians 5:21.
Cause it says this to me:
I, God, sent Jesus, who was perfect, the only perfect human to have ever lived, to take on all of your sins, my daughter, so that when you believe, all of your sin is covered and is now counted instead as righteousness.  Jesus’ righteousness.
In other words, Jesus switched places with me, took on my sin, my personal sin, took the punishment that I deserve, once and for all. But there’s more. And that more is what has allowed my soul to feel more freedom than anything else in the whole world. 
The more is that in place of my sin, Jesus gave me His perfection. So when God looks at me, as His Daughter, He sees me covered in Jesus’ perfection. Therefore, He will never ever ever deal with me as my sins deserve, but only as if I had lived, myself, the perfect life of Jesus.
(this pic makes me laugh!  the hubs used it as apart of a seminary project he did a few years back.)
think of this…if Jesus came as a Rescuer, then why in the world would someone who has it all together need rescuing? When I see myself for who I really am, I become desperate for His covering. Like…every moment of every day. I screw it up all the live long day. I really do.
The reality is: the laundry piles, and sand piles, the fighting kids, etc…are only an outside picture of what’s in my heart. That might be too much for you to handle…if I got real about how my heart operates. The thoughts that run through my mind. My doubts. My massive insecurities. Maybe that will be post someday…then i’d for sure send y’all running for the hills :) I am a desperate person. but when I rest in the covering of Jesus’ perfection, it makes me want to live exposed before y’all.
I heard someone say once that spiritual maturity is not measured by how holy you are, but instead by how much you recognize your unholiness. We get it backwards. We tend to think we’ve mastered it when we can show the world how holy and pulled together we are. How much we’ve got it together. Let me tell you…i spent way too many years trying that one. It doesn’t work. Its like running on an exhausting hamster wheel, that never ever ever ends. I’m done with it, cause truth is….I’m cannot make myself holy. And most often, my life doesn’t display holiness. It displays a person, who outside of Jesus, is rotting away.
So you wanna know why and how we can live authentically, exposed, vulnerable? Its because, in Jesus, we are already covered. We are already seen as perfect. Forever.
So when I’m trying to cover up my junk, I’m spitting in the face of the One who did it already for me….not to mention what that does to other people.
That’s the disservice I’m talking about, that we are doing to each other. Isn’t it true that when we are running, striving, covering, it often makes other people feel the need to do the same? Why don’t we just let each other be free, maybe by first being free ourselves? What would happen if we did?
What if we were honest about it? What if we were honest about how short we fall?  What if we saw ourselves as ones who are desperate for a covering other than the one we try to create on our own?  What if we lived as people who are desperate for freedom…freedom to live exposed…freedom to let down our guards…freedom to let other people see the real us?
Exposure feels like death sometimes. But what if we took the risk? There is a song by David Crowder that says, “Let’s risk the ccean…there’s only grace.” in other words, its a big risk, but what have we got to lose??
Could it possibly be that other people might be attracted to our weaknesses and exposure and vulnerability more than they are to the things that we display as perfection and all under control?
What if???  i’m SO desperate for it…are you?

ps:  i’ll totally be switching gears and coming back with a recipe that I recently made with my new dehydrator.  :)




Real…or not Real?

Have any of you read The Hunger Games triology? Oh my…one of my favorite reads. Anyway…you know how later in the story, Peeta has to ask at times, “Real…or not real?”
I think that is what this post is about today, and I think its what i’d want you to consider as you read my blog.
(for the record…this is real!  i took this pic the other day out of our back door)
I’ll tell what prompted me to start thinking about this today:
I love when my readers comment or send me encouraging emails. I really do. I think encouragment is a gift that we can give one another, a gift that we all need! Your comments are often so very timely…almost like words spoken from God himself, deep into my heart, encouraging me in the call I feel like He’s given me. Please keep asking questions. Please keep commenting. In my insecurity, I need them :) so thank you!
But its got me thinking. I wonder if i’m putting off the wrong message on this blog?
When I first started it, I chose the name “A Small Snippet” for a specific reason. What you see on this blog is just a very very very small glimpse into a much bigger story. Truth be told…i don’t think I give you a very clear and realistic picture of what life is really like most of the time around here. You are only getting the small snippets, and since i’m the one writing the blog, those small snippets are most often things that I feel comfortable sharing with the world. Which means you are missing the bigger picture, because lots of things that go on around here i’d prefer to keep hidden.
For example: I don’t often take nor post pictures of the many many times a day that my house is in complete shambles…
or when my kids are fighting and screaming and hitting each other, or i’m crying over something that’s frustrated me. I don’t often tell you about the nasty things I say to the Hubs during arguments…
…or the many many many times (which I hate, but its true) that I raise my voice at my precious kids.
Or the roaches that run through our little place on (too often) occasion….like the brave little stinker that decided he was gonna come nibble on the Bug’s leftover banana this morning, sending screams all through our house once he was discovered. one of the few negatives about living where we live.
I don’t show you the piles of sand on my floor this very minute that I don’t feel like sweeping…and probably won’t until tomorrow…or the next day….or the next day…and only then because people are coming over.
I don’t show you inside my closets, where things topple out the second you open the door because they are stuffed so darn full.
I definitely don’t show you pictures of me without makeup on…or without some kind of outfit I like. Which is why you don’t see pictures of me that often on here…cause most of the time i’m in my PJ’s, unshowered, and the sight of my face might cause you to ask me if i’m feeling sick.
I also don’t tell you that we consider swimming in the pool to be bathtime, wearing the same PJ’s for 3, or 4, or more nights in a row still counts as clean, that I definitely don’t wash our bed linens as often as i’m supposed to (not even close) and that I often forget to wash the boy’s football uniform until Saturday morning when its time to get dressed for his game.
I don’t tell you how my kids disobey…alot…and sneak off and do things they are not supposed to do…and then don’t feel one bit bad about it when they get caught.
I also don’t advertise the fact that I forgot to pick up my child from school the other day. Yes…forgot…on only the third day of school. And he had to wait for 40 minutes, wondering where I was, before the idiot that is me figured out that it was early release day. (thankfully, he was totally fine with it, and only began to tear up when he saw me unable to control my sobs for the next 45 minutes)
I don’t show you the overflowing trash cans, the piles of laundry on my couch that need to be folded, or my slimy, fingerprinted back doors that almost never get wiped.
I don’t tell you about our bank account that is every bit short of impressive…or full…or even kinda full….or even kinda kinda full :) in fact, sometimes its downright empty!  Or that we haven’t picked up that cute kids devotional (Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions For Kids) that we bought with the best of intentions in weeks.
I haven’t yet told you that one of my all time favorite shows to watch is the Bachelor/Bachelorette, that I just might be following 5 or 6 or 7 of them on Instagram (you can make your own assumptions about me now) or that I have yet to miss an episode of the Bachelor Pad. Trash, I know. But I love it. (And i’m not recommending it, so don’t go thinking that I think you should watch it too!  but if you do, i can talk your ear off about it.)
I don’t tell you what a struggle friendships are for me, and that I live many many days feeling massively lonely. I don’t tell you that I am a grudge-bearer, and about the bitterness I harbor in my heart towards specific people who have hurt me. I haven’t told you about a story that is going on right now, that is not mine to tell, but that has completely devasted me, and given me a very real picture of how Satan is out to kill, steal and destroy. And its left me feeling hopeless and angry and out of control, begging Jesus to please come back soon.
And I don’t tell you that even though we live right on the beach, in the most amazing situation that we absolutely cannot afford but that God has figured out for us, with the ocean as our back yard, my heart is still unrestful, and still longs for bigger and better. Ugh.
My point is this: you don’t really see me for who I am. And if you are not seeing beyond the small snippets on this blog, then i’m not sure i’m doing what I set out to do. And i’m not sure i’m doing what Jesus has put on my heart to do. My goal for this blog is summed up in my tagline “a snapshot into the small snippets of life, to expose the Bigger Picture.”
and I have to ask myself…is the Bigger Picture being exposed? Or is the focus simply on the neat and tidy small snippets?
the burning desire in me with this blog is for you to see Jesus, in spite of me. I am afraid that all you see is me and my family, and even then, not the real us. And I don’t want that.
I have awakened just recently to the fact that I am an Image Bearer of the King. In other words, simply being who He’s made me to be means that I’m bearing the image of God to the world. I love that.
I especially love that because it doesn’t mean that I have to be this super spiritual girl to show the world Jesus. Good thing, cause i’m anything but super spiritual. I all too often feel dry, spiritually, and distant from God, because i’m way too distracted with the things of this world. I all too often find spending time with Him to be a chore, instead of a joy, and if that doesn’t make me super un-super spiritual, then I don’t know what else would. I am good…really good…at going through the motions, while my heart is far from Him.
And yet…He works in spite of me. Which is why I continue to pursue this blog…and the “job” i feel like He’s given me to do.
I know that part of writing a blog is to write about things that people want to see.  So i’m not saying i’m gonna stop posting about the things i’ve been posting about. There will still be recipes, and sewing projects, and house stuff, and DIY, and Clean Eating, and photography, and a slew of randomness thrown in. it’ll look the same.  cause that is life for me in many regards:
But those things bear the mark of the King, because He is the Ultimate Creator…there is no creativitiy in me that does not come from Him. I do believe that the contents of this blog can relect His very nature, and it doesn’t have to be only in a long diatribe about Scripture. He can be reflected in a homemade maxi dress, or in a thai noodle recipe, or in an Elf on a Shelf or in a 5 year old’s birthday party. That’s what’s so amazing about Him. He can shine through in very, everyday, un-extrodinary things…and then He can make them extraordinary because of His very Presence.
but I guess I wonder if you see Him?
I am hoping to ramp up this blog a bit. I’m passionate about it, I get excited about it, and think there might be a calling on my life through it. I think God is giving me a unique opportunity, one that fits me well. I want to be faithful. But I want to be honest. So just know that when you come here, you are only getting a very small glimpse, a very small picture, and ask yourself, “Real or not real?”
not because i’m lying to you, or trying to give you a picture that is untrue, but to remind yourself that there is a much bigger story going on beneath the surface, beneath the small snippets, and to ponder how we all are so very similar, so deeply in need of a Savior, and that Jesus might very well be in the midst of it all….in all the small snippets, as well as at the center of the Bigger Picture.




Whole Wheat Donuts with Honey Glaze

i showed you these donuts yesterday, and said i’d be back with the recipe, so here it is today:

Canaan has been beg-ggg-ing me to make him “healthy” donuts, even going as far as trying to use his own money to buy me one of those donut makers at Target.  ( i wouldn’t let him :)

so i figured nothing like the First Day of School as an excuse to make him a little surprise after school snack.

i did some research on some different recipes, and was limited because i don’t own a donut maker or a Donut Pan, so i knew i’d have to fry some up.  i adapted a few things from some other recipes and came up with a recipe that was just right for our fam.  i did use Organic Sucanat, which is a less refined form of sugar, but its still sugar, so we don’t use it a lot around here.  i only use it when i simply cannot adapt a recipe with honey.  this was one of those recipes, because the honey would’ve made the dough too wet to roll out.  however, when i do buy a donut pan one of these days, i will try adapting the recipe to eliminate the Sucanat and use honey instead.

i also do not own a donut cutter, so i used a combination of circular objects i had around my kitchen:  The Pampered Chef Cut N Seal Sandwich Press and the top of that shaker thingy you use for mixed drinks.  it probably has an official name (a jigger perhaps?) but i don’t know what it is.  you basically just need a larger circle for the outside of the donut, and a smaller circle to cut out the hole.

i kept re-rolling the dough until i had used it all up.
then i fried them up, dipped them in the glaze, and let them drip:

before piling onto a platter for the Boy’s arrival:

Bella was my helper, and couldn’t wait to surprise her brother:

he was very pleased!

this recipe was SO simple.  seriously…i was thinking it would take a lot more time and effort than it did.  it was quick and so easy, and you could go right now and whip up a batch in the next 10-15 minutes.  no joke.  time yourself and let me know how long it takes you!

super de-lish, and this recipe will totally be hanging around our house for those days that call for a special treat!

been doing research on new blog formats and platforms, and can’t wait until i have this revamp done…or even started, for that matter :)  it makes my head spin.  have any of you ever switched from Blogger to WordPress?  any thoughts or suggestions about that, especially for doing it for cheap?