Pancakes and Pajamas Party
the flu bug left just in time for Bella’s Pancakes and Pajamas Party to go off without a hitch last weekend:
(invitations bought from this Etsy seller)
we invited all the girls from her preschool class to come over on Saturday morning, in their PJ’s, for some pancakes:

with just a few fruit toppings and some various syrups, it really made for an easy menu:
i created these fans the same way you would a tissue ball, except i used 3 sheets of tissue paper for each, and instead of pulling the tissue apart to make the ball, i just taped the ends together after fanning them out:

i borrowed a friend’s Cricut machine to cut all the paper products, and by golly…those things are the BOMB!!
i pulled her bedding from our old house out of storage, (realized just how much i missed her old bedroom), and decorated our dining room table to look like a bed:
which was the perfect place to display these:
i think this was my favorite detail of the party!!
i found these cupcakes in a cupcake book my mom gave me a few years ago called “Hello, Cupcake!” i just knew that someday i would make them, and marked that page right away! this party was the perfect opportunity, and i am very happy to report that they were pretty simple, all things considered. the little faces are mini vanilla wafers, the pillow and body are each halves of a large marshmallow, and the blankets are starbursts and airheads, melted for a few seconds and rolled into shape. i piped the details on with buttercream frosting.
as favors, i found this cute polka dotted fleece on sale at Joann’s and turned them into personalized blankets. i simply cut each side with pinking shears, to give it a somewhat finished look without having to sew:
i then found the hot pink fleece on sale a few weeks later, and sewed simple pillows for each girl, stuffing them with inexpensive stuffing. i used this felt monogramming technique to monogram each blanket with the girls’ initial:
they also served as decoration when i laid them all out on the floor:

Bella had this adorable set of PJ’s that matches her American Girl Doll that just so happened to be in our party colors. i used some leftover felt to cut out the 5, and lightly attached it to the shirt, just to make the bday girl a little more festive!
once all her guests arrived, we sat down to dig into a Pancake breakfast!

after filling their little bellies, the girls opted to snuggle under the blankets:

to listen to some stories:

we then made Fruit Loop necklaces:

before an impromptu pillow fight broke out!
what’s the use of having pillows at a PJ party unless they are used for a pillow fight??
i couldn’t have planned it better!
the pillow fight led into an adorable dance party:

that led us back to the table for cupcakes:
and Happy Birthday!
(obviously, our Clean Eating food plan was out the window that morning, with blue dye and all!! but we quickly jumped right back on board. birthdays are our cheat days…and they are thoroughly enjoyed!!)
and what’s a bday for a 5 year old without presents?

this party was surprisingly simple to pull together, and lots of fun!
i can’t rest just yet, cause the Boy’s bday is less than a month away. i’m thinking some Beach Olympics might be in our near future! i’ll share all the details when the time comes!

Happy Spring Break to us!! our’s starts tomorrow, and we are planning for long, lazy beach days! so looking forward to it!