45 Elf on the Shelf Ideas (from the same Elf!)

(if you need an elf, you can purchase one here: The Elf on the Shelf)
you might be interested to read up on the story of our Elf’s first arrival here…and how our family uses Eli to lead us into a deeper understanding of God’s grace.
the first year, Eli arrived in a box with a letter from Santa explaining who he was. he was all tucked into the box with a little red felt blanket to keep him cozy for his long trip to Florida: (details on the letter here)
Framing himself within our family gallery wall:
i think he had been feeling a little left out of all the family photos:
Playing School:
Relaxing in a Bubble Bath:
Having a Snowball Fight with his girlfriend:
Swinging in the Kiddo’s Doorway:
with a “Good Morning” sign:
Dressing up the ponies as reindeer and making them pull his sleigh:
Painting a Masterpiece:
Apparently, Elves poop peppermints: (don’t judge!)
Christmas Countdown:
Marshmallow Message:
Racing to the Finish Line:
Getting a Glass of Water:
Rocking Baby Jesus:
Cheering on our Football Team: (if you know NFL, then this will make sense)

Building our family as Snowmen:
Sneaking a picture of himself playing the drums at church into our Sunday Morning announcements:
Trying to make a clean getaway with the Hub’s wallet:
technically, that was 46, but i didn’t think you’d mind a little extra one added in there! i hope you enjoyed some our favorites from over the years, and i hope its helpful for you as you plan your for your own elf! and since our Elf is coming soon, I’d love to hear any ideas you’ve got for me. leave them in my comments and maybe i’ll implement them this year. and i’ll of course be sharing some pictures along the way!
PS: i’ll probably be regularly updating my Instagram (leanak) with Eli’s antics this year, so you can check there in between posts for more ideas
and you can take a look at this link for details of our Elf from year’s past.