I’m LeAna…
Welcome to a Small Snippet! I’m a 30-something SAHM. My hubby Jake, is in full time ministry, and I am the Momma to three precious gifts, Canaan, Bella, and Berkeley, lovingly referred to as “the Boy,” “the Bug,” and “the Baby” (and collectively as “the Crazies.”) We are a family of beautiful and redeemed messes, living in a broken world that makes us realize daily that we are in desparate need of a Big Time Rescuer.
What you see on this blog is just a very very small glimpse into a much bigger story. My hope is that while you enjoy the small snippets, you remember that there is much more going on beneath the surface, and that this blog does not reflect an accurate picture of our life. My house is not always clean, I bomb recipes all the time, I scream in frustration at my sewing machine often during projects, my kids fight and argue, (and so do their parents), and often times when I whip out my camera to take a picture, I am met with sighs and cries, (so if you see pics of my kids smiling, its most likely cause I’ve bribed them!)
Blogs, Facebook, Instragram…they all do it. They all make us think we are the only ones with dirty houses, dirty children, and dirty hearts. There’s not an ounce in me that wants you to come here and feel that way! So as I share with you the fun things…the recipes, the sewing tutorials, the house projects, the photos of my kids, the birthday parties…just remember that the one showing them to you (that would be me!) is jacked up…big time!
So enjoy a snapshot into the small snippets of our life…all the while knowing that my true desire is to really expose the Bigger Picture!
You can read more about that here and here.