if you “want” it then you shoulda put a “string” on it!!
we were headed back to the bathroom tonight to brush teeth, when we happened upon this in the office:
(remember the news we shared here??)
so we did what any sane (or crazy, depending on how you look at it) parent would do, and the hubs quickly stepped in to offer a hand while i ran and grabbed the camera:
and guess what???
…much to the utter surprise and delight of us all
here’s proof:
oh snap…sure hope the Tooth Fairy has some cash on hand!!
(although the boy told me that he is convinced that the Tooth Fairy leaves debit cards)
i snuck in a bit later and found the bug doing this in the bathroom:
a few more years, sweet girl!!
okay…i really better hop off and make sure that there’s more than debit cards around this joint!
ps: in case you were wondering….i’m still feeling like mush (see here) but loving every minute of it!! if you want to know more about it, just ask!!
and if you don’t want to know more, you might want to plug your ears or close your eyes, cause you’ll probably hear more about it on this little blog in the coming days!!