the thought never even crossed my mind that we could find some candy without refined sugar!! so when he happened upon this ingredients list, full of only fruit, he couldn’t resist! he sure knows the way to my
he found them at a health food shop a couple beaches over, so he decided to bring me back there to pay them a visit to see what other kinds of treats we might find. and right next door is a special frozen yogurt shop, so after school, we took the crazies on a special trip to get some frozen yogurt.
its not exactly on our list of “all natural foods” but this particular place uses only organic ingredients, including organic cane sugar (which at least eliminates GMO). we let them choose their flavor, and add in whatever fruit they wanted, while staying away from the other toppings. so even though we broke a “rule,” we didn’t feel one ounce bad about it and enjoyed our special treats! it was a holiday, afterall! it was a good trade too…a much better option to have organic frozen yogurt with fruit than all that Valentine’s candy they came home with! they didn’t even miss not having the candy. score!
that shop also happens to be in the same exact part of town where jake and i had our first date, and then where he later proposed. as we looked out over that same beach where all that initial “magic” happened, guess what we saw??
i’ve told you this before, but on that same beach, in that same spot, the night of our first date, there was a rainbow just like this one from yesterday. we saw that as a Promise from Him…a confirmation of His blessing. and then the night of our rehearsal, just a little ways down that beach, God gave us another rainbow over the ocean as we practiced our vows and prepared for our life to begin together. we like to think that He gave us this one yesterday too, as a special Valentine’s Day reminder, of His Promised Blessing of Love!!
i like to think that Jake and I have a pretty cool love story. i might tell it to you one day. its unique, to say the least. (think: teacher and student…that’s all i’ll give you for now
and with it being Valentine’s Day and all, you can’t help but to reminisce on your own love story….
but what if i told you a better love story than any you’ve ever heard? one that is personal, and calls for a massive celebration, far better than chocolates and fancy dinners or all natural fruity candy??
take a look at this book…and keep reading, cause it represents something beyond what you can see in this picture:
say this book represents Jesus’ life. everything in it is a detailed description of His life…every word spoken, every thought thought, every action or deed, every feeling…everything!
according to God’s Love Letter to us (aka: The Bible), we know that everything written in that book with Jesus’ name on it would be perfect. not one single detail would be less than perfection! no sin, no bad word, no judgemental feeling, no angry deed, etc…
now…take a look at this:
say that this book represents my life. everything in it is a detailed description of my life…every word spoken, every thought thought, every action or deed, every feeling…everything!
i won’t go into detail, but lets just say…if you read the first paragraph, maybe even the first sentence, you would not be my friend, you would not keep reading this blog, and you would think i’m just down right rotten…to the core.
i’m not joking. you really would. i promise.
its filled with crap. i’m full of it. and i’m not just saying that. ask the hubs…or the crazies. just the other day, bella said to me, “mommy…even when you are the meanest mommy ever, i’ll still love you for fifteen hundred years…” she knows the real me…you only see a small snippet. so just trust me for a minute…
the comparison of these two stories, these two lives, couldn’t be more different. on the one side, you’ve got perfection. on the other side, you’ve got just about everything less than perfect.
in fact, the Bible says that i’m not the only one who falls short of perfection. it says that we all fall short. there is no one who is perfect…not even one. and that even our attempts to be “good” are full of filth…and are not enough (Romans 3:10, 23, Isaiah 64:6)
which puts us in quite a predicament, because we have a God who is in charge who demands perfection. and WE CAN’T DO IT!!!
that might make you feel hopeless. it should. we are a desperate people.
that’s the very place we need to be to be able to really hear the rest of this Love Story…
2 Corinthians 5:21 (my all time favorite verse ever)
“God made Him, who had no sin, to become sin for us…”
Jesus…who had no sin, who was perfect, becomes sin for us…
takes off his covering…
detaches Himself from His perfect life that He lived…
and replaces my covering with His. in doing so, He takes all the credit for my life…everything written in my book now becomes His…
and He stakes His name to my life. and He takes credit for my junk. and then deals with the consequences for me…
by dying…in my place…with my junk on Him…because of one reason and one reason only…
i don’t deserve it. i didn’t do anything to earn it. its simply and only BECAUSE HE LOVES ME. I have a Daddy who knows i’m hopeless…and wants to RESCUE ME.
that’s quite a LOVE STORY…but that’s only half the story…
this next part is my all-time favorite. its what changed my life.
2 Corinthians 5:21
“…so that in Him, we might become the righteousness of God.”
after taking credit for my life, and suffering the consequences for it, Jesus keeps going…
He then takes my covering…the one He took off to replace with His…
and puts it on His book….His life…
and gives me credit for it.
see…Jesus didn’t just die for me…He lived for me!!! He lived the perfect life that I couldn’t, and then gives me credit for it…
so now I am declared perfect, and seen by God as if I had lived Jesus’ perfect life. which means that when God looks at me, I have a new covering….and that covering declares me perfect…as if i had never sinned…as if i have NO junk…
That’s how God sees me…
“God made Him, who had no sin, to become sin for us, so that in Him, we might become the righteousness (perfection) of God!!”
2 Corinthians 5:21
do you see that?? its true! and the best news is that ITS COMPLETELY FREE! we don’t have to do a darn thing to earn it. as soon as we believe its true, all is said and done!! FOREVER! never to be lost…never to mess up.
Jesus Himself said it best…some of His very last words as He was dying were,
John 19:30
We lost it all,
He did it all,
We get it all!!!
i don’t know a better love story than that!!
this LOVE STORY is the truest love story you will ever hear, because its a Love Story about you!! its personal. its for you…and me. and it changes lives, and hearts.
so as we reflect on celebrations from yesterday, Valentine’s Day, we can also celebrate how very deeply LOVED we really are!