popping in to show you some more of Eli’s antics!
if you are interested in having fun with an Elf in your own house, you can order one here: The Elf on the Shelf
(if you don’t know who Eli is, read here.)
Eli has been bringing lots of excitement, as the crazies wake up every morning and immediately start searching for him, and then try to figure out how he possibly thinks up such funny/naughty things!
here are just a few of the things we’ve found him doing in the last week:
(don’t mind the dust!)

the kids decided that Eli must’ve been cheating, because he was beating the socks off of Plopper, Sniffer, and Lanie:
have you ever seen that Elf Yourself website from Office Max? see here if not. its a site where you can put your picture on the body of an elf and make him sing and dance. my kids think its the absolute most hysterical thing ever invented. we found Eli at the computer “elfing himself,” even using the webcam to photograph himself…that silly little guy!
Eli found Canaan’s guitar and notebook full of his original music, and must’ve entertained himself himself by playing a few tunes:
and took the lunches out of the fridge, and wrapped each item up like a present!
and i was told that this one was the “favorite” so far from my crazies…toilet bowl fishing!
he’s still been up to no good around here, but we sure do like our little buddy and will enjoy our last week with him until Santa comes to pick him up on Christmas Eve!
by the way….thanks for praying for Baby Asher. his surgery went well. he is still recovering, but would you believe that that sweet child was smiling up a storm from his little hospital crib, even in the midst of tubes and monitors? i’m telling you…he is one special little boy!!
AND….today’s a big day, cause Bella dances in the Nutcracker tonight!! she’s a Raggedy Ann doll and a little Sugar Plum, and momma couldn’t stop herself from crying this morning at dress rehearsal. there is just something so beautiful about dancing, especially when its your own little princess!!
you can be darn sure i’ll be back with photos…and hopefully some video too! in the meantime, if you are interested, you can click here and scroll to the bottom of the post to watch her video from last year’s performance! its priceless