what we’ve been up to…
hey there!
i am getting SO excited to show y’all the amazing and products and services that are soon going to be advertised on my blog. get excited!! there will be lots of great things just in time for the holidays…with some discounts just for my readers!!!! if you are interested in advertising, contact me at asmallsnippet{at}gmail{dot}com. i have a few spots left for the month of December
in the meantime, i wanted to pop in with some photos. its been a while since i’ve posted photos just for fun, or updated you on daily life around this place. so here it is…a little bit of what we’ve been up to around here.
my brother in law arrived home a few weeks ago from an 8 month long deployment. you might remember them from this post. anyway, we let the kiddos miss school so we could go and welcome him home.
it was so fun to finally spot him as the ship was pulling in!
i can’t look at this pic without tearing up. such a sweet moment, filled with so much emotion:
i had always seen these homecomings in movies and on the news, but i had never experienced one for myself. truly something i will never forget!!
we wrapped up our fall sports season, and although i genuinely love watching my crazies play, i must say, this momma was pretty happy to have less on the schedule:
Canaan’s last football game was played in the high school stadium. those little nuggets sure thought they were big time!
and what Bella lacks in soccer skills, she makes up for in spirit! i just love the intensity in her face:
although, truth be told, she’d much rather be chilling on the sidelines, sporting her stylish pink sweatband:
we did not host Thanksgiving this year, unlike last year, but still did lots of cooking. cooking is always better with a little helper:
our favorite pie turned out just right. thank you, once again, Martha Stewart!this is one of those classic Thanksgiving pictures, but it totally grosses me out. just a little fact for you…i don’t eat any meat on a bone. its not an animal rights kind of thing…its just that it completely grosses me out big time, and i can’t stand the taste. yuck. my boys on the other hand, can pound some meat!
our Thanksgiving Day ended up being a great day, full of family…
the next morning we went and got our trees. i love that Thanksgiving was early this year. that means that the Christmas season starts early too!! i’m totally one of those people who was listening to Christmas music as i cooked Thanksgiving food….the sooner the better in my book! i love having our house decorated as long as possible before Christmas, cause as soon as its over, i’m itching to get it all put away again. hence, the trees bought the very first day we could:
Bella came out to decorate the trees dressed for the occassion…already sporting the Christmas PJ’s! love that kid and her spunk!
i know i’ve mentioned this before, but we get a smaller tree for the kids to put in their room. this is the tree that they get to decorate with all of their ornaments. that way, i get to decorate our big tree in a neutral way, which i think is SO pretty and festive!
this was an ornament that the hubs handmade for all of his family when he was around Canaan’s age. pretty impressive, if you ask me! he has not since whipped out those mad sewing skills, although i’d be thrilled if he would:
the next morning, we started Christmas list-making for Santa. isn’t that such a fun childhood memory? circling all the fun stuff in the catalogs and flyers. although the crazies decided it would be more fun to cut and paste, so we ended up with Christmas List collages. Canaan’s collage is filled with anything and everything electronic, and Bella’s was just all pink.
and this next series of photos are courtesy of Instagram and my now apparently outdated iPhone 3GS. crazy how quickly that happens
the Blue Angels came to town. that’s one other reason why living where we live is so amazing. you get to see sites like this simply driving down your street:
Canaan came home from school not too long ago and proudly showed me the book he checked out from his school library.
i was pretty thrilled that he still considers Pooh to be cool enough to check out from the library. he read the whole thing cover to cover, and it made my heart so happy! i needed the reminder that even though he’s growing up, he’s still a little boy. and i hope he stays that way for a long time!
and speaking of staying little, i’m not sure i’m ready for what the teenage years are gonna bring. Bella wrote me this sweet note a few weeks ago, but the next morning, crumpled it up and threw it because she was mad at me. i can’t help but to wonder what’s in store for us in about 10 years i’m just praying that she’s working it out of her system now…
its always fun to get to pop in and see her hard at work at school:
and speaking of Bella, is it bad that i want for myself my 5 year old’s wardrobe?
and while we’re on the subject of wardrobe…i’ve been breaking all the rules and wearing my white jeans after Labor Day. my friend told me that Michael Kors says its okay. i’m choosing to go with him on that one!
we voted. and this, my friends, is the future of America, right here:
i lost my wedding ring. took it off to cook some chicken. put it on the counter, but when i went to put it back on, it had disappeared. i’ve never searched for something so hard in my life. we went through every single stinkin’ piece of trash in our house, pulled out the appliances, drove ourselves crazy turning this house upside down looking for it…could not find it. i went to bed that night believing that i would never see it again. woke up the next morning and called a few peeps to ask them to pray. not 5 minutes later, it showed up in the middle of the floor. how, you might ask, did we miss it? i’m gonna believe that we didn’t miss it the night before, cause i don’t think it was there the night before. miracles still happen, and God cares about all the details, friends:
we’ve had some days where the weather was absolutely perfect. on days like that, there’s nothing quite like a good playground, is there?
couldn’t be more grateful for this group of Crazies…
and our annual Thankful board. somehow, something having to do with bathrooms and toilets always makes the cut. but this time around, i especially like the specified “no outhouses”:
and speaking of Thankful, i’ll close with this…i just happened upon this gem as i was walking downtown the other day. i need this plastered to the back of my eyelids. Thank God its true!