New & Improved

its finally time!!

i’ve been wanting to make some changes around here for a while, but a deep lack of knowledge, and utter confusion over html, css, and the blogging world in general have prevented me from doing so until now!  but…i’ve had some great people helping me…actually, more than helping me (more on that later), and my new and improved blog is now up and running.  there are lots of new things to check out, so take a look around!  let me know if you notice any kinks or problems for me to work out.

and be on the lookout for some exciting sponsorship opportunities coming soon, that might interest and benefit some of you!

if you’re reading this post through your email because you are an email subscriber, click through to take you to the new site and check out all the new things.

my new blog address is:

if all goes the way its planned, everything should transfer over nicely to the new site.  so if you have things pinned on pinterest, bookmarked, etc, it should redirect you automatically.  if that doesn’t happen, let me know, and then hang in there with me as i figure it all out :)  but i’m praying it all works the way its supposed to!

if you are an email subscriber, you should just automatically receive your emails from my new site, so you shouldn’t have to re-subscribe.  if you are a google reader subscriber (or other RSS subscriber) i honestly don’t know what will happen!  so it just might be good anyway to update your readers and blog lists with my new address:  i’d hate to lose anyone!!

also…if you’ve commented on my blogger blog in the last week or two, there is a good chance that i did not get it.  so if you did, feel free to re-comment on the new site.

and thanks for sticking in there with me!  i’ve been swamped with all the changes going on around here.  i never knew how much behind the scenes stuff went into all this website stuff!   but it feels good to get to finally reveal it all to you!