“office” makeover
remember how i showed you a pic like this last week? and i told you i had a big project i was working on?? well…a friend sweetly texted me in the midst of it and reminded me that…
“things always look worse before they get better!”
this is one of those projects, now that its completed, that i keep telling myself that i should’ve done a LONG time ago!!
these before and after shots should convince you of the truth of that statement!
really in the market for a cool, funky wooden chair, but this one will do for now. to paint or not to paint…that is the question??

believe it or not, i was able to fit everything back on those shelves that we had before…just in a much more organized fashion!

its amazing what baskets can do 
here’s my trick so that baskets don’t scratch surfaces when they are slid in and out. take a piece of soft fabric…(felt works the best and is cheap)…cut it to the size of your basket, and hot glue to the bottom. problem solved!
check out what a difference it makes to take the covers off hardback books and group them by color:

i went out in search of more hardware, and after buying some beautiful glass ones, trying them out, finding out they were the wrong size, and then shattering it in the process…i decided to keep the old ones. but i love them. they look alot better on a white desk! i’m even thinking about possibly brushing them with a little bit of paint to antique them a bit…but still debating that idea!

and while i was at it, i gave the crazies’ table a little makeover too:

but i couldn’t pass her up when i realized all the storage it would give me! we are desperate for more storage around here in our little place!
and since we’re speaking of things getting worse before they get better…we’ve been in the middle of a Nor’Easter down here on the coast of Florida for the past 3 days that has brought HEAVY wind:

like blow-you-over-in-the-parking-lot-as-you-are-walking-into-the-grocery-store-kind of wind…
like wind-that-if-you-wear-a-skirt-or-a-dress-you-better-be-prepared-to-flash-anyone-within-a-50-yard-radius-kind of wind…(i know from experience!)
like wind-that-you-can-hear-blowing-and-whistling-through-every-door-and-window-kind of wind…
like debris-and-seafoam-all-over-the-beach-kind of wind….
like wind-that-blows-heavy-rain-sideways-smack-dab-into-our-sliding-glass-doors-that-aren’t-really-sealed-well,-flooding-our-back-room-kind of wind:

see…things do often look worse before they get better!
i’ll let you know how my next project goes. i’m thinking of dabbling in some glaze techniques…perhaps with the color grey! anyone have any experience in that?? i’d LOVE to hear your thoughts!
ps: FYI: i’ve decided for the moment to keep my subway art just the way it is! i kinda like it like that!
it makes me laugh!!
and it keeps things real around here!