my bags are packed…
…and i’m ready to go!
the bug gave me this picture this morning:
cause i’m going here:
and i’m beyond excited!!!
a few months back, the opportunity presented itself to go on this trip to Costa Rica. at the time, i had just gotten back from Haiti, our summer was in full swing, and i had no idea where i would possibly get the funds to go. however…without hesitation or thought (which is very rare for me when it comes to making decisions) i signed up with the hub’s encouragement….because immediately i heard God say that i was to go on this trip, at this specific time, to this specific place, with these specific people. and then i heard Him tell me that the funds were His job.
so i signed up. and He brought the funds, down to the exact dollar!
and i’m going.
we’ll get to work with a really cool ministry that i’ll tell you all about when i get back. in Costa Rica, prostitution is legal and drug use is rampant. the plan is to work with prostitutes and recovering drug addicts. we’re hoping to get to do some similar stuff that i did in Haiti this year. we’ll go into a women’s shelter that houses recovering drug addicts and prostitutes and teach them some crafts so they can sell them and possibly make a living. gosh….i LOVE the opportunity for redemption that that can bring!
but you know how plans go…when the Radical King is in charge, things might just get changed up a bit!!
i can’t wait to tell you all about it. there is something about international missions that gets me super revved up! its for sure a passion of mine, and although Haiti is my first love, i’m thrilled to get to experience a new place and connect with new people!
the only problem is…i’m gonna miss these crazies like crazy!!!
this one starts football practice while i’m gone…where does the time go??
and i’ll miss seeing their “inventions” that they’ve been busy coming up with lately:
this invention is called “the You-a-matic Spreader”

in the Boy’s words, “its supposed to spread butter or jelly on waffles and toast and stuff…it can even do cream cheese on bagels! this is one of my realest inventions.”
although i must admit…i’m not gonna miss the clean-up!
and of course, i’ll miss the Hubs. especially because i’ll be gone for a very important milestone next week. (make sure to check this blog while i’m gone, cause if all works, you’ll find out just what that milestone is!!)
and as a side note…we have moved out of the dark ages, and joined the rest of the world by getting phones that can get on the www….(the world wide web, peeps, is now at my fingertips!)
(ps: any APP suggestions are happily welcome!!!)
coveting your prayers, excited for what God wants to do in my own busy heart that just needs some rest with HIM…and can’t wait to tell ya’ll about it,