You Rock, Valentine!
Good Morning, friends!
oh wait…its not morning! where does the day go…or the week, for that matter??!!
i figured since it was inching towards V-day, i should do some kind of holiday-ish post. if you’ve been reading for a while, then you’ve already seen this:
wanna see this year’s?? they’re kinda along the same lines…maybe i should try to break out a new color scheme!

i find it challenging to make valentines that are suitable for the Boy to hand out….and one that the Boy will approve of!
but once i mentioned Pop Rocks, i think he was sold!
simple…but what kiddo wouldn’t be excited to get some Pop Rocks?
i found 3 Pop Rocks in a package for $1.29 at Walgreens. but i think the Dollar Store has them 3 for $1.00.
i used these bags from the craft store. they are 4″ by 5″, and the perfect size to fit a package of Pop Rocks.

(see below for more details on the printable file)
if i get some time, there is a festive and simple Valentine’s recipe that i might try to post.
but for now, i think i might turn in for the night. mornings come as fast as the days go by (does that even make sense??)
***UPDATE 01/02/12:
if you were interested in printing these valentines, i’ve attached the PDF below. i’ve tried a number of different ways to attach this file to this post, so i hope this works. i am unable at this time to respond to individual emails and requests to share the file, so i’m sorry if you are unable to get it to work, but this is my best effort at sharing it with you. if you have any other suggestions for me on how to share this easily, i’d love to hear them! for now, here’s the PDF:
i’ll also attach it as an image below so that you can just click it and save it to your computer to print, and then have your child fill in his or her name: