The Crippled Lamb

guess what?? we woke up this morning to freeze warnings and temps of 25 degrees!! so i’m thinking that i can officially now start celebrating this winter holiday, since its kinda hard to get into the Christmas spirit when you’re picking out and decorating a christmas tree while wearing sundresses in 82 degree weather!

so in honor of the start of the Christmas/winter season here, i wanted to tell you about a special book that our family loves. this book was shared with our family last year by a dear friend (thanks cheryl!) and we loved the story and illustrations, so the bug and i went to the library the other day to get a copy so we can have it around again this year for the holidays!

here’s the basic gist of the story (its a tearjerker! and everytime i read it, i just wanna wrap up that little lamb and give him a big squeeze hug!)
its got beautiful illustrations:
and the story is so precious, i can hardly stand it:

if you can get your hands on a copy, you will not be disappointed. it might just become one of your family’s favorites too!!

here a few of the other titles we picked up too, in case you are interested!

okay…gotta go get ready for my date tonight. we have a “meeting” with Santa, so hoping to accomplish lots more Christmasy things today!!