a few tips
so…this post is going to either:
A) make you think my house is just disgusting, and therefore feel great about your’s!
B) completely gross you out
C) motivate you to do exactly what i did
D) all of the above
don’t say i didn’t warn you!
i have noticed lately that our vacuum cleaner just wasn’t working. it didn’t seem to be picking anything up, and i felt like i was just wasting time when i vacuumed…so i just simply didn’t vacuum for the last few weeks, while i researched the option of getting a new one…(not gonna happen)…or borrowing my parents.
but it finally started to drive me crazy, so i decided to try to do something about it.

that huge ball of “stuff” (which pretty much consisted of dust, thread from sewing projects, and hair…and NO…we do not have a dog, nor has a dog ever entered our house…but we do have a few people around here with pretty good, thick heads of hair!!) was stuck around the long part with the red brushes! no wonder it wasn’t working! i literally had to cut it off from around that part. it was preventing everything from getting through.
so i cleaned it out, and the vacuum started coming to life again and making sucking noises! its still not perfect, but it was alot better…way better than throwing down some bucks for a new one!
just thought i’d let you know the tip, in case you have the same problem. sorry for the visual though…but i really couldn’t get the point across without it!
just in case you are so grossed out by me that you won’t ever return, i’ll leave you with a fun tip to win you back 

did you know that if you put a wooden spoon over a pot of boiling water, it won’t boil over? don’t believe me? check this out: