Double Double Animal Style
guess what we did yesterday??
i’ll give you a clue:
hint…we did not travel to California!! however, we did bring a little bit of Cali to Florida!!
have you ever experienced In-N-Out burger? its really a West Coast thing, and i only really know about it cause i married into a West Coast family when i married my California boy. but its a family fave, and pretty much a fave of anyone who’s ever experienced it for themselves (and if you live on the West Coast or have visited and you haven’t gone, then shame on you!!)
so in honor of my brother in law’s b-day, my sis-in-law, May, had the thought to make In-N-Out burgers from a recipe that our friend PETER MALONEY found and passed on (like the shout out Peter??)
wanna see? grab a napkin, cause it might make your mouth water just a little!
this is what you call a Double Double Animal Style:
and it is to die for!! the recipe is written really well, and very specific, so i’m not going to post it all over again. so just go here and follow what he says. but i’ll show you a few steps along the way!
dice onions and carmelize in skillet.
while onions are carmelizing, slice tomatoes into thick slices…
combine ketchup, mayo, sweet relish, vinegar, and sugar.
gather the buns, lettuce, and good American Cheese (no Kraft Singles, peeps. go for the non-processed kind from the deli.)
assemble your patties as the recipe describes. they will be really thin, making for a perfect Double Double! we grilled ours indoors on a griddle, since it was raining, but i think its easier on a griddle anyway. here’s a little secret that you’ll read in the recipe…slather the top of the patty with yellow mustard while its cooking! then, when you flip it, it fries in the mustard. who would’ve thought?! (only do one side though so the mustard flavor isn’t overwhelming.)
once flipped, top with cheese:
once you’ve toasted and fried your buns (yes…i said fried! see recipe!), slather the bottom bun with the Animal Sauce, place 4 dill pickle slices on top, and then pile on two patties.
top with carmelized onions, a thick slice of tomato, some lettuce, and your top bun. now see if you can open your mouth wide enough to capture all the flavors in one bite!
i haven’t had Authentic In-N-Out in 10 years, which was the last time we were in Cali, so i don’t remember enough of what they taste like to tell you if this is a dead ringer or not. however, i can tell you this with complete confidence…in my opinion, this is hands down, no comparision, THE BEST homemade burger i’ve ever eaten!!!
and what’s a Double Double Animal style without the fries???!!

i suggest you go ahead and try it out. here’s a plus side too…if you make it for lunch, like we did, then you won’t have to make dinner cause you’ll be too full to eat anything else the rest of the day! i’m really not kidding!
i have to say a big THANK YOU for the questions ya’ll have sent my way since my last post! i’m excited to get to answering them soon, so be on the lookout for that! but in the meantime, keep ’em coming!
and i figured i’d show you what i’ve been up to today:
i am presently in the throes of organizing every single cabinet, closet, etc in my house. i do have a good reason for it, that i’ll share when its time. but this is pretty much what i’ll be doing all week…and answering your questions!!

so see you soon!