a new addition
remember how i mentioned earlier this week that i had made a purchase last weekend? well…i am pleased to present to you:
if you recall from here and here..i had been saving money to purchase a new lens, with the hopes of having it before our upcoming trip to Haiti. well….guess what? i bought a lens!! its a Nikon 35mm f/1.8
, and although it isn’t the lens i was initially hoping to purchase, it was far less expensive, auto focuses on my camera, and has gotten amazing reviews. and i must say…i am in LOVE with it!
i am still learning how to use it, as it is a prime lens (aka: fixed…does not zoom), and is very different to shoot with than my other lens, but it has been really fun to play around with it over the last few days. here are some photos taken with the new addition:
i’ve got lots to learn still, but i’m excited that a whole new aspect of photography has opened up for me with this lens, and i am pumped to get to keep practicing!
we’ve got two weddings this weekend, so i gotta run and go get ready for the first one! hope you’ve enjoyed your first week of summer!