i’m a bit behind…

this post is really more for my sake than your’s! the thought of these pictures and their accompanying memories just sitting in my IPhoto makes me too sad, so i’m posting them, even though we are well past the Christmas season! i’m just a tad behind, but after this post, i should be officially caught up!

so here was the final days of Christmas in our household!

one of these days we hope to have a mantel to hang our stockings with care, but for now, our game cabinet works just fine!
before church on Christmas Eve:
throwing Reindeer food onto the beach, because we all were sure that Santa would want to land his sleigh on the beach!!
Bella thought she saw Santa’s sleigh off in the distance. i think it was just a boat way out on the water, but you never know :)

setting out the treats:
i love to take a picture of the crazies right before bed on Christmas Eve, in their Christmas PJ’s, in front of the tree, because it always captures such pure joy and excitement!
this is how we found the kids Christmas morning when we went to get them up. they were already well awake, had made their beds, and were waiting for us with a loud, “Merry Christmas” in unison the moment we walked in. i guess when you share a room, you have time to coordinate surprise plans like that!
upon first site…there was too much excited movement to capture a crisp shot!
Santa unveiled a new wrapping style this year:
wonder if he checks out Pinterest?

exchanging sibling gifts was the very first thing that Canaan wanted to do, because he just couldn’t wait one more second to give Bella her much requested Rainbow Unicorn Mini Pillow Pet. needless to say, she was pretty darn happy!!

they loved the Angry Birds Game!

both boys got new surf fishing poles, which have yet to catch a fish, even though attempts have been made :)
this IKEA easel was a HUGE score!!! wooden, foldable, chalkboard on one side, dry erase board on the other, and a place to store their big roll of drawing paper. best part…it was only $15!

we had a blast Christmas Day, spending it with all our family eating lots of fun food!

the rest of our Christmas break was spent soaking up every bit of time we could together, enjoying the slow pace of life, doing fun activities around town.

like taking the kids ice skating for the very first time:

this pic just makes me laugh. not sure what the pout was for…
we spent an afternoon and evening in a historic town not far from us that is completely decked out in lights:
we played at a park:
(did you hear that Chick-fil-A is launching a new kids menu option? grilled chicken nuggets with all natural applesauce!! needless to say, i’m thrilled. we live very close to a Chick-fil-A, always have coupons, and love to go there for a quick meal. we are making some new and significant changes in the way we eat around here (i’ll tell you more about that at another time) and i was worried that it would eliminate most of our favorite places to eat out. but now with this new option, it’ll make it easier to find quick on the go meals that are still fun for the kids and that will still allow us to stick to our new food plan!)

and rolled down hills:

we stopped a few times at the crazies’ request, to take some “action shots”:

before watching the sunset over the bay:
we had an absolute ball during our break, taking a hiatus (as much as we could) from normal busy life, and just chilling as a family.

well…that feels good to be all caught up now! its been hanging over me! i’ll be back with some fun blogging material soon!