i haven’t quite figured out what to call our new way of eating. i keep going back and forth between saying “All Natural,” “Read Food,” “Whole Food,” “Clean Eating,” and simply “No Processed Foods.” All those options can take on different meanings depending on who you talk to!
but anyway, i’m here today to give you two “All Natural, Real Food, Whole Food, Clean Eating, No Processed Food” recipes. (printable recipe cards at end of post).
the first is so quickly devoured by my fam, that it caused a fairly good argument between the hubs and i when he ate the last piece without giving me a chance to take a photo for you. (if only you knew the things that can cause arguments around here

so i had to make it again the other night and steal a piece away in order to snap a photo before any of the other crazies living with me got to it first!!
(ps: i’m big time struggling with the lighting in my kitchen, and since its pretty much getting dark out by the time most of our meals are finally prepared, i’m limited in terms of how to capture a good shot with natural lighting. any photogs out there have any tips for me on how to create faux natural light without using a flash…in a dark kitchen??? i’d LOVE to hear!)
i used freshly ground whole wheat flour, but you could use store bought too:

(i use non-fat plain greek yogurt)
love love love using fresh spinach from our garden!!
here’s a tip about cheese that i’m learning. i’ve mentioned it before, but i’ll mention it again. i noticed with packages of pre-shredded cheese that there are ingredients listed that i don’t recognize. so i have been opting to buy blocks of cheese and grating it myself with the grater attachment on my food processor. i cannot tell you the difference in taste!!! its actually kind of scary how much better it tastes! also…i’m learning that any cheese that you buy that is not white has been colored. so we are choosing to buy only white cheeses.

bake that bad boy at 375 degrees for 30-40 minutes, or until middle is set.
this is the creamiest, moistest (is that a word??), most flavorful quiche i’ve ever tasted.
serve with a side of steamed veggies, and you’ve got yourself a nutritious meal!!

here’s the recipe card for you:

and i’ll include this one too. we try to keep all these ingredients on hand for a quick, go-to meal. in other words…we end up making this often!! i promise it takes no more time than making a box of Kraft, and you eliminate all the extra stuff you don’t need! and it tastes even better! trust me! smallest crazies approved!!

i found this recipe
here, but slightly adapted it. we originally tried it with sharp cheddar and with freshly ground whole wheat flour, unsifted, and by golly, we couldn’t stomach it. but making a few small changes made it perfect for our tastebuds!! i would recommend using a form of soft wheat berries if grinding yourself, and make sure you sift! (i’m sure the way the original recipe is made is excellent, but since we don’t use store bought flour, i don’t think it turned out the way it was supposed to. and we usually like sharp cheddar cheese, but for some reason, it just didn’t work for us in this particular recipe.)
here’s the recipe card with our very slight changes:

let me know if you try them out and what you think!! i’ve got more coming soon, including such an amazingly tasty dessert, you won’t even believe how healthy it is for you!