Smoothies and Granola
here’s a good breakfast for you to try, full of good stuff, without sacrificing taste.
this is our go-to smoothie recipe. we make this just about every morning. its an easy way to knock out a serving of vegetables first thing!
i really don’t measure anything. i just add in however much i think i need to make enough servings. if making a smoothie to serve 2 adults and 2 kids, you will probably want your blender to be about 3/4 to almost all the way full of ingredients.
to note…the recipe calls for 2 bananas. both bananas are absolutely key. add in only one, and you’ll taste more spinach and kale. we have found that 2 bananas really offset the bitterness of the greens.
also…don’t skimp on the greens. you can really add alot without tasting them much!
it doesn’t look all that appetizing, but take my word for it. i am neither a raw spinach nor a kale fan (at all!!) and i have no problem downing this smoothie. i don’t even have to work at it. its seriously good!
and i’ve shared a variation of this granola recipe way back here, but i’ve tweaked it recently to eliminate refined sugars. we use this in everything…as cereal in the morning, as a quick snack, as dessert, sprinkled over fruit or yogurt.