an offer
my dear blog reading friends,
i have an offer for you.
you know how i love to take pictures??

remember how i’ve been telling you (and trying to show you) how much more it has allowed me to do picture-taking wise??

well…i still LOVE this lens. no joke. i really do. but my sweet family all pulled together around my b-day and gave me $$$ to purchase the one that i’ve really really wanted but that was too much $$$ for me to buy back in June before leaving for Haiti.
i don’t feel like i settled. i really don’t. there is not one single day…not one…that i’ve regretted my purchase. but since i’ve got some $$$ for a new lens, i’m gonna go get a different one, the one that i had originally been dreaming about but that costs more, and i am realizing that i simply don’t need this one too.
so i’m making you an offer…
(if i had all the $$$ in the world, i’d just give this bad boy away to one of you. but i don’t, and truth is, i need the $$$ from selling this lens to help me cover the leftover cost of the new one.)
so…with that behind us…
here’s the offer.
i am selling my Nikon DX AF-S 35 mm 1.8 lens. i’ll price it at $185.00, which includes the filter too. i have all the original packaging and manuals. if you want it, but live out of town and i have to ship it, i will do so carefully, but will have to add on a little bit more for shipping costs.
if you are interested in this offer, or have any questions at all, either leave a comment on this post with your email address where i can contact you, or email me i guess i’ll do first come first serve 

no pressure, friends! i’m gonna list this bad boy on craigslist if none of you are interested, but i thought i’d try it out here first. cause afterall, i’d love love love for one of you to enjoy this lens as much as i have!!
just a little more FYI:
i bought this lens for $230 at the end of June, along with a filter for $20, that i only use as protection for the lens. it is in perfect condition…i’m kinda a freak about taking care of this kind of stuff (ask the hubs…he can vouch for me!) it is a wonderful wonderful lens, and you can see what Mr. Nikon himself (aka: Ken Rockwell) has to say about it by clicking here. it auto-focuses on any Nikon DSLR, unlike some of the other prime lenses (which is why i bought it.)
this lens is a prime lens, which means that it doesn’t zoom. to make it super super simple, the reason i LOVE this prime lens as compared to my zoom lens is because:
1) the wide aperature (1.8) allows me to shoot in low light settings without a flash (i despise using a flash, unless absolutely necessary!)
2) you can blur the background of a picture and make the foreground image pop….love that!
3) this lens is super sharp, so my image in focus is very detailed and sharp.
4) its awesome awesome awesome for portraits of my kiddos!!
5) it allows me to be much more artistic in the way i shoot and in the final outcome of my photos.
6) its allowed me to learn a ton about the techniques of photography, past the good ol’ point and shoot
those are the basic reasons. there are many more pros to prime lenses, but that is initially why i bought this lens. it allows me to do much more photographically than my zoom lens.
so…if you are a Nikon girl (or guy) and have had a hankering for a new lens, this might be the offer for you!
(FYI: 99% of pics on this blog since late June have been taken with this lens.)
this should be fun to see if anyone is interested! let me know!
this lens is no longer for sale. however, you can purchase it here: Nikon 35mm f/1.8