tis the season…
to be jolly!
with The Day quickly approaching, all the final touches are being made here in our household:
we finally finished up our cookies for Santa, using our favorite Sugar Cookie Recipe. its a Martha Stewart recipe, and although it is time consuming and quite a project, it yields perfectly shaped cookies everytime.
we decorated them with Martha’s Royal Icing, and i have found that if i put the different colors in squeeze bottles (they come in packages of 2 for $2.00 at Walmart)…
i can just let the kiddos go to town, with less mess:
we made another favorite recipe of our’s…Spritz Cookies (click on image below and print):
and then finished them off with a Vanilla Glaze:
and it wouldn’t be Christmas in our house without a bounty of English Toffee:
i’m going to try to come back with two more recipes that we tried for the first time this year, but that will surely be kept in our Christmas rotation from here on out!
this recipe has been perfected by my mother-in-law, and if followed exactly, will give you a perfect result!

check back,