Halloween Through the Years
i have to admit, i LOVE halloween! its one of my favorite days!
it might have to do with the fact that we have THE BEST neighborhood for halloween, as its full of kids, so the night feels very festive as our neighborhood comes alive with action! our tradition has been to go out trick or treating with a big group of friends and family, then we all come back to our house and unload our loot and dig into some creepy (but yummy) desserts. and its become a tradition that our kiddos look forward to.
and because its coming up (as Bella reminds me of multiple times a day!), i’ve been busily working on the kids’ halloween costumes for this year. but it got me thinking about all the years’ past, so i thought i’d give you a snippet of “halloween through the years” in our household.
we began with cutey costumes from Old Navy….
Halloween 2004: Canaan’s first halloween:
but then we upped our game a little bit…when we realized that making our own costumes saves us money, and ends up being pretty darn cute!
Halloween 2006:
Peter Pan and Tinkerbell:
we came out in full force as Captain Hook and Wendy too!
can’t wait to show you what we have cookin for this year! they are my favorite costumes so far, and the boy and the bug are super excited about them, and i laugh everytime i think of it!!! but i’m not quite ready to reveal, so you’ll have to wait…

what are your kiddos Halloween costumes??
the hubs and i are off to my old stompin grounds, (referred to around here as “G-Ville” or “Heaven on Earth on a Game Day!”) to see the Gators play in the Swamp. reminds me of our younger years when we would spend every Saturday there:

hoping for a win this week!! and check back, cause i have a little project to show you that might make for a simple, but cute, Christmas gift,