Pillowcase Dress
okay…so you know how i told you in my last post that i was gonna show you a project using that pink fabric? well…i got sidetracked, and if you’ve been reading for awhile, then you’ll know that this tends to happen alot!! but…the good news is that i have another project to show you, just in time for the weekend, that i promise you can finish in about an hour or less!! intrigued? well…read on…
with the start of football season, which in our house is a BIG deal, i noticed that Bella’s gator gear was gettin’ kinda small. so…i felt the need to make something for her before the Florida/Tennessee game tomorrow.
so i whipped up this:
and i thought you just might want to know the how-to! first off, clearly the whole pillowcase dress idea is NOT an original! its plastered all over the internet. so google away, friends! but i’ll show you what i did, cause it turned out to be a quick project and super simple….just what i was hoping for!
there are tons of variations for a pillowcase dress. some use elastic, some use seam binding…but if you want simple, quick, and imperfect, this is the tutorial for you! 

first off, the whole idea of the pillowcase dress is that you actually create a dress out of a pillowcase. but since i needed to use some Gator Blue, and couldn’t find a pillowcase in that color, i just created one out of some simple cotton fabric:
(check out my old dorm room bedding!! 

print template for armhole here, and cut to desired size. (but read here before printing!)
(please disregard the lack of straight sewing skills in this next photo…)

Repeat last two steps for other side of neckline.


i used the felt monogramming technique from my last post to create the Gators team logo:

(fyi: for all you Gators fans…the font i used is called Brody…and you can download it for free…google it!)
i then attached that bad boy right in the middle of the dress, near the top:
i also attached some ribbon along the bottom for a little extra embellishment. i used stitch witchery to attach that too, out of sheer laziness! you can definitely stitch that on too. if i had ric rac on hand, i probably would’ve used that too. so use your own creativity to embellish as desired! it would be really cute to create a ruffle at the bottom too! the possibilities are endless!

so now i guess all that’s left to say is,
“Its Great to be a Florida Gator!!!!”