there’s no place like home (or IKEA)
i’m home, and i’ve gotten hugs and kisses all day long from the bug, with comments such as
“mommy…i missed ouu when ouu wer in ka-sha-go…but i had fun with daddy!”
its back to real life now…but i wanted to recap the end of my trip.
here are some highlights from the photo shoot…cannot believe how photogenic my niece is…its like she was born to be in photos!!
LOVE this one…totally captures her sweet little personality!
i mean seriously…is she cute or what?? (check out her new pearls!)
as the big finale to this little vacay, i made my very first trip to IKEA…i’ve looked forward to that day for a long time, and i was not disappointed! i cannot believe how massive, and how inexpensive, that place is! i’m pretty sure people thought i was a big-time freak with my camera, taking pictures of all the cool things i would’ve loved to bring home…but it was worth it to get to show you some of the amazingly cute things they have:
and oh…the kitchen stuff!! i was walking around with my mouth hanging open at all the cool cool gadgets, for so so cheap!!
i bought these for the boy (not lovin the ghost…so it’ll probably disappear someday soon!) but i thought the little people were too cute…i figured they’d go well with our animal finger puppets, whenever i get a chance to make a set for my own kiddos (see here)…maybe after all the b-day celebrations are over…2 down…only 1 more to go!
and i found these for the bug…i just couldn’t resist them for her little kitchen…are they not adorable?? (they are mini…and plastic, in case you were wondering).

i happened upon these square platters in the AS IS section…for $2.00. i had a hard time getting them home, since i didn’t check bags…but it was well worth it! i love having matching pairs of serving platters for dessert tables, and i can’t wait to use these!!
the trip really was great, and although i miss my chicago family already, i really am glad to be home with the hubs and kiddos!!
lots to come this week…spring break for us!! yay!! which is the reason why the boy is presently still awake, shooting hoops with my wingback chair as the backboard…
but before signing off…i have to share some excitement with you. here’s another thing that happened to me in Chicago: (thanks to my big bro)
i’m pretty sure the majority of you will not give a rip about me having Photoshop, nor even really know what its for, but i’m so thrilled (even though its laughable how little i know about using it…but rest assured…i’m committed to trying to learn!!)